“Prisoner Position”
Here is Brianna in what she calls “Prisoner Position”.
I call it “Assisted Pull Up” position, but let’s face it: if that had been the title, you might not have read the post!
Pull ups are a necessary evil for all aerialists and other hard core athletes. They are the ultimate test of strength-to-weight ratio. Nothing else develops your back, shoulders, forearms and grip strength like this exercise.
Assisted pull-ups involve supporting some of your body weight with your feet until you are strong enough to take all the weight in your arms. Try a few at the end of your next class. A good attitude and consistency will help you get results. In between classes, push ups and chest presses will help you build strength.
Consider installing a chin-up bar in your house or apartment.
Develop this important skill to make your inversions easier and your endurance soar!
Oh, and don’t forget to come to class for lots of practice and live techincal support!